This appendix describes error messages you might see, and provides some
troubleshooting guidelines should a problem arise with the Fiery X3e, Command
WorkStation LE, or Command WorkStation. If you are unable to resolve a problem
after referring to this chapter, contact your authorized service/support center.
Error messages
Error messages can result from problems with the job, the Fiery X3e, Command
WorkStation, Command WorkStation LE, Fiery Spooler, or the copier/printer. When
an error interferes with printing, you will see a message in the Activity Monitor of
Command WorkStation or Command WorkStation LE. The status bar that displays
the message indicates the process in which the error occurred.
An error message for the Fiery X3e sometimes remains displayed on Command
WorkStation or Command WorkStation LE even after you resolve the error. There
might be a brief delay while the Fiery X3e communicates the resolution of the error to
the application. Printing will resume and the Command WorkStation or Command
WorkStation LE window will be updated after a short delay.
If you encounter a Fiery X3e message alerting you to check the power and cable, there
may be a problem with the copier/printer power or cable connection. Check to make
sure the copier/printer is turned on. Make sure the cable connection between the Fiery
X3e and the copier/printer has not come loose. The Fiery X3e will resume printing
when the cable is securely connected to both the Fiery X3e and the copier/printer.
For information on resolving copier/printer-related errors, refer to your copier/printer
documentation. You can cancel the pending print job while you attend to a given error
Appendix C: