FieldServer Technologies
1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
: (408) 262-2299
: (408) 262-9042
: 888-509-1970
When you use a “…-alarm” keyword then the driver stores a 1 when the gas is in an alarm
condition and a zero when it is not in alarm condition. This means a zero is stored even if the
gas in a warning condition.
When you use a “…-warning” keyword then the driver stores a 1 when the gas is in a warning
condition and a zero when it is not in warning condition. This means a zero is stored even if the
gas in an alarm condition as well as when the gas is in a normal condition.
When you use a “….-combo” keyword then the driver stores a 1 whether the gas is in an alarm
OR warning condition and the driver stores a zero when the gas is in neither an an alarm or
warning state.
6.10 Current Slot
Current slot information is the same as current port information. On a Normal Scan, a single
slot is referenced. The gas values/warnings/alarms will be stored to the current slot data arrays
every time slot information is stored. Note, this only occurs once during any Normal Slot Scan
6.11 Composite Validation Scan vs Normal Slot Scan
On a Normal Slot Scan Image, gas data is stored to the "slot" value/warning/alarm data arrays
and the "port" value/warning/alarm data arrays. If more than one port (area) is referenced in the
image, then the same value/warning/alarm gas data is copied to each section of the area "data
array". For example, if Areas 2 and 39 were referenced, then the gas data values and
warning/alarm status would be copied twice to the data array offset for Area 2 and the offset for
Area 39.
On a Composite Validation Image, only one area (port) should be referenced. The gas
values/warnings/alarms for the particular area referenced will be updated. As well the current
port data values will also be updated. Note, on Composite Validation Images, slot information is
not updated.