© Field of View 2016 GeoSnap Express User Manual
GeoSnap System Files
Associate position/attitude data with the image ‘x’ milliseconds after
capture verification is received
Default String:
@16:Association_delay_ms = 0
This option allows you to add a delay between when the GeoSnap system received capture
verification and when the position/attitude association is performed and written to the
image log file.
Select which log files to generate
Default String:
@17:Data_logging = 0
0: generate image log, pix4d log, and flight data log [default]
1: generate image log and flight data log only
2: generate image log and pix4d log only
3: generate image log only
This option configures whether or not to create and populate the IMG, P4D, and/or FLT log
files on the GeoSnap system’s onboard microSD card.
Set up which way your camera is oriented relative to the direction of
Default String:
@27:Camera_install_orientation = 0
0: camera top facing forward [default]
1: camera left facing forward
2: camera bottom facing forward
3: camera right facing forward
This option allows you to configure how the yaw value is saved in the GeoSnap log files.
Refer to the images below to decide which option fits your camera installation orientation.