Document: Instructions for use
Document number: 2.7554.00.0522.0100000
In the German language, this document is the original version in the EU language of the manufacturer and is labelled
with the German national flag.
In the language of a country of use, this document is a translation of the original version and labelled with the national
flag of the country of use.
This document is referred to as "instructions" in the following text.
Number of pages in this manual including the title page: 12
These instructions are valid for the product
WPM Repeater
This document was created by
DE 74855 Hassmersheim
Phone: +49 (0) 62 66 73 0
Fax: +49 (0) 62 66 73 237
E-mail: info@fibro.de
Internet: www.fibro.de
© All rights to this document are subject to copyright of the author.
Without the prior written permission of FIBRO GMBH, this document must not be copied or
reproduced, either in full or in part.
The instructions are intended only for the operator of the described Component only
and must therefore not be made available to uninvolved third parties - in particular to competitors.