Display for linear measurement
Data: 13/01/16
file: Simplex_ing.doc
pag 3/8
Before installing the instrument, read the following warnings:
a) Connect the instrument strictly following the instructions of the manual.
b) It is the responsibility of the user to check, before using, the correct settings of the parameters of the
instrument to avoid damage to persons or things.
c) The instrument CANNOT function in a dangerous environment (inflammable or explosive).
d) The unit has sensible parts to electrostatic charge, therefore the handling of the inner electronic cards has
to be carried out with appropriate care to avoid permanent damages.
The Electronic Simplex is a dimension display for the measure of linear shifting that combines in the same
case the magnetic position transducer, the display and the battery supply. The display-unit runs on an
aluminium bar in which is seated a magnetic band.
The display-unit running on the bar measures the real shifting carried out, removing clearances and
misalignments. The LCD-display has 6 digits plus sign (range from -999999 to 999999); the digit height is
10mm that allows a very good readability also by distances.
With 3 frontal keys is possible to adapt the value that has be showed for a given shifting and switch on the
functions of reset/preset of quota, absolute/relative quota and conversion mm/Inch. Battery-operated with 2
batteries 1,5V, 1-year-life with low-battery indicator, which simplify the assembling avoiding the laying of
cables. There are also available 3 distinct origins for the correction of quota by using different tools and the
offset function for the balancing of tool wear. The display can be rotated at 90° for a parallel or orthogonal
view to the measure bar. The easy assembling, and the measure accuracy make the SIMPLEX-E suitable for
a large number of applications within industry machinery (packaging, wood-, aluminium-, sheet-working, silk-
screen printing. etc.). Available version with serial output RS485, with MODBUS-RTU protocol, and power
supply 24Vdc and inner rechargeable battery (5 months functioning without power supply) for connection with
remote units.
To step into the parameter programming press key and on the display appears
, now press 2
times key
and appear 4 zeroes, the first on the right is blinking, with keys (digit increase) and
(digit selection), set out password
and confirm with
. In case of wrong set-out of password it goes
out of the programming. The parameters that have to be set can be run with key and in order of
appearance they are:
value to be displayed for every turn of the shaft,
number of decimal digits,
count direction,
keys opening mode
displacement of origin,
not used.
To enter into the modification of the selected parameter press two times
(one time displays only the
value) and with keys and
set the wanted value to be confirmed with
To go out of the programming press
Value to be displayed for every turn of the hollow shaft
This parameter together with the following one allows to programme the value which has to be displayed for a
given shifting of the movable part. Practically its necessary to set the value that has to display corresponding
to a shifting of 100mm. Manufacture’s value is VISUAL=100.0, which is the necessary value to read the
shifting in millimetres.
The range allowed is from 0,00001 to 999999 with setting of decimal point position that is, after programming
of the last digit on the left, pressing key
will blink the decimal pinpoint and with key it can be moved to
the wanted position. Confirm with
Number of decimal digits
It is the number of decimal digits to visualize on the display, range allowed from 0 to 5.
Example 1: each turn of the hollow shaft will have a displacement on the machine of 50, set
50 and
Example 2: each turn of the hollow shaft will have a displacement of 12,345 and on display has to appear
12,3. The constant has to be set at 12,3450 and constant at 1.