noring warning notes and instructions may re-
sult in serious injuries.
– Only trained and qualified persons are per-
mitted to set up, adjust and operate this
compressed air tool. Persons without the rel-
evant qualifications and training are more
likely to cause accidents.
– This compressed air tool may not be modi-
fied. Modifications may reduce the effective-
ness of safety devices and pose a greater risk
to operating personnel.
– Keep all of the attached documents and pass
on the documentation if the machine changes
– Never use a damaged compressed air tool.
– Regularly inspect compressed air tool. The
compressed air tool must be marked with
clearly legible rated values and markings. Re-
placement signs can be ordered from the
Danger from ejected parts
– In the event the workpiece, accessory or ma-
chine parts break parts may be ejected at
high speed.
– Wear impact-resistant protective goggles.
– Wear a helmet when doing overhead work.
Also assess the risks for other people.
– Secure the workpiece. Use clamping devices
or a vice to hold the workpiece firmly.
Risk of getting caught
– Wear suitable protective clothing! Do not
wear loose clothing or jewellery. They can be
caught by moving parts. Wear a hair net if
you have long hair.
Risks during operation
– Wear protective gloves.
– Operating and maintenance personnel must
be physically strong enough to handle the
size, weight and power of the machine.
– Hold the machine correctly. Prepare to coun-
teract normal or sudden movements - hold
the machine with both hands.
– Avoid abnormal posture. Ensure secure
stance and keep your balance at all times.
– Enable the command device for starting and
shutting down in case of an interruption to
the energy supply.
– The machine can only be operated with abra-
sives which were developed for this purpose.
– Wear protective goggles, protective gloves
and protective clothing.
– Check sanding pad before each use. Do not
use the sanding pad if it is torn, broken or has
– Avoid direct contact with the sanding pad.
Wear suitable gloves as protection.
– Never use without an abrasive.
– Risk of an electrostatic discharge if the com-
pressed air tool is used on plastic and other
non-conductible materials.
– Potentially explosive atmosphere: If explo-
sive or self-igniting dust is produced during
sanding of certain materials, the processing
instructions of the material manufacturer
must be observed under all circumstances.
Risk through repeated movements
– The use of the compressed air tool may cause
unpleasant sensations in the hands and arms
of the operator, as well as in the neck and
shoulder area or other body parts.
– Adopt a comfortable posture. Change posture
if working continuously.
– If symptoms such as malaise, complaints,
throbbing, pain, tingling, numbness, burning
or stiffness occur inform your employer and
consult a doctor.
Risk as a result of accessory parts
– Disconnect the compressed air hose from the
compressed air supply. In the event of non-
use of the compressed air tool, before main-
tenance and when changing insertion tools.
– Avoid contact with the insertion tool during
and after use.
– Always use original accessories.
– Grinding wheels and cutting-off wheels are
not permitted.
– The permissible rotational speed of the ac-
cessory must be at least 1,000 rpm higher
than the maximum speed specified on the
machine. Accessories that rotate faster than
the permissible level can rupture.
– Self-adhesive abrasives must be attached
concentrically on the sanding pad.
Risk at work station
– Slipping and tripping hazard! Pay attention to
slippery surfaces and tripping hazards as a
result of air pressure hoses.
– Not intended for use in explosive atmo-
spheres and not insulated against contact
with electrical power sources.
– Proceed with caution in unfamiliar surround-