Teach-in threshold value comparator
With the teach-in threshold value comparator, a switching point is determined from 2 teach points.
The distance between the two teach points forms the corresponding hysteresis. The determination of
the switching point is static, which means that the measured value remains constant during the entire
teach-in process. The air-saving function is deactivated for the duration of the teach-in process.
Threshold value comparator
Teach mode:
2 teach points (TP1, TP2)
SP2 = 0
SP1 = 0.85 x TP2
HY = (TP2
- TP1)
1) 1) TP1 = minimum pressure value, TP2 = maximum pressure value, independent of the teach sequence
Tab. 9 Threshold value comparator
Teach-in window comparator
A teach point is set for each switching point in the teach-in window comparator. In addition, a constant
hysteresis value is defined. The determination of the switching points is static. This means that the
measured value remains constant during the entire teach-in process.
Window comparator
Teach mode:
2 teach points (TP1 = SP1, TP2 = SP2)
HY = 2 kPa (adjustable)
1) 1) TP1 = minimum pressure value, TP2 = maximum pressure value, independent of the teach sequence
Tab. 10 Window comparator
Festo — VABF-S4-...-CB-VH/VL-... — 2019-05