Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 2017-05c – English
Access via web browser to the motor controller
Acceptance of device control
With the“Device Control” check box, the read/write access to the motor controller is enabled via web
browser. If the actuator is running a set of commands at the time it is enabled, the actuator is stopped.
The drive is uncontrolled. After enabling Device Control, the release signal of the I/O interface (DIN
CONTROL ENABLE) stops being evaluated
Fig. 5.3
“Parameters” website - Device Control
To accept Device Control, select“Control” on the“Parameters” page
enable“Device Control”.
Enabling via web browser
Faults during configuration or parameterisation can lead to unexpected behaviour from
the motor controller if the controller is approved.
Only enable the controller if the motor controller has been configured and paramet
erised by downloading the relevant parameter file.
Do not operate the positioning system with unknown settings. The documentation of
*.pdf parameter files is available on CD-ROM (/ParameterSets/)
and on the Internet
Fig. 5.4
“Parameters” website - request Control Enable
Using check box“Control Enable”, the controller and power output stage can be enabled. The motor
controller can be controlled via the web browser.
To accept via web browser, on the“Parameters” page,“Control” section,
Enable“Device Control”.
Enable“Control Enable”.