jednej tretiny plná; to neplatí ak nebudeme s pištoľou pracovať
niekoľko dní, v takom prípade dózu vyberieme a uchováme
v zvislej polohe dnom hore)
Na pištoľ našrubovať dózu s čističom.
Krátkym stláčaním spúšte vyplniť pištoľ čističom a počkať
cca 5 min.
Potom stlačiť spúšť na takú dobu, kým z pištole nevyteká
čistá tekutina.
5. Odšrubovať dózu s čističom.
Dóza s PU penou je pod tlakom
slnečnému žiareniu a teplotám nad 50 ° C
Nestriekajte PU penu na
žeravé predmety alebo do priameho ohňa
Neprepichovať a nevhadzujte do ohňa dózy / ani prázdne /
GB: INSTRUCTION MANUAL - Caulking gun for mounting spume
Before use shake the box of PU foam
Remove the cover and screw the box on the adapter of the gun
By pressing apply the foam
Set the quantity of applying foam with the regulation screw
When stocking the gun for the short-term period (till 48 hours)- store the gun together with the
screwed box of foam.
When stocking it for a longer period, screw off the box of the foam and clean the gun. Remove the
foam by using a cleaner for PU foams (types e.g. Den Braven
– Zwaluw –foam cleaner, Souldal -
Gun&Foam cleaner), the curing foam is only possible to remove mechanically. Clean the valve
with the vaseline.
Cleaning the gun:
It is necessary to clean the gun after everyday use.
(we can leave the box in the gun only in case that it is at least full from 1/3. It does not
pay if we will not work with the gun for a few days, in such a case remove the box and
keep in vertical location upside down.
Screw the box with cleaner on the gun.
By short pressing the trigger fill in the gun with the cleaner and wait for about 5minutes.
Then press the trigger for such a time till clean liquid flows from the gun.
Screw off the box with cleaner.
When changing the box, screw off the empty box and screw on a new one quickly, so that there is
not air inside.
For applying PU foam in narrow places, use the applied adapter.
Changing the box of PU foam:
Find out if the box is empty
Shake the new foam properly
Screw off the empty box and immediately screw on the new one, so that the rest foam in
the gun cannot stiffen.
By short press of trigger fulfill the gun with new foam.
The box of foam is under the pressure.
Do not leave in the sun and in the temperatures over 50°.
Do not spray PU foam on the flaming subjects and into open fire.
Do not break the boxes and do not threw them in fire (neither empty).
PL: INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI - Pistolet do piany montażowej
Przed użyciem wstrząsnąć pojemnik z pianą.