Supplied By www.heating spares.co Tel. 0161 620 6677
Version - 09.2002
Expansion tank
It is connected to the pump casing via a pipe with a fork connection. On the 24kW version, it is located above
the pump, while on the 30kW version it is located behind the exchanger, inside the frame. The expansion tank
contains a diaphragm in contact, on one side, with the system water and, on the other side, with the air under
pressure (pre-loaded to 1 bar) inside the tank. By the expansion of the diaphragm and ensuing compression
of the air, the tank compensates for the thermal expansion of the water in the heating system.
Twin Heat Exchanger
The exchanger is a copper laminar assembly. It comprises a thickly finned portion, three circular pipes
containing the heating water and, inside them, another three pipes in the form of a spiral containing the tap water.
The heating water exchanges directly with the burnt gases, while the tap water does not have this kind of
exchange, it receives heat indirectly from the water in the three heating pipes. In this way, the surface of the
coil does not reach very high temperatures so less scale gets formed. In addition, being very small, it makes
the water speed very high over its entire section, making mineral deposits of any kind negligible. The typical
"omega" shape of the finning ensures an even distribution of the heat over all the finning, with consequent
benefits in terms of exchange efficiency and the life of the exchanger. A special surface treatment protects the
exchanger against oxidation and corrosion.
Version 30kW
10 litre
Version 24kW
7 litre