© Ferno UK Ltd | FERNO/MAN/0721/215-R2/UK
SPED II Spinal Protection Extrication Device
Refer to local protocols and guidelines regarding manual
handling and lifting of persons or objects. The SPED is
fitted with five carry handles. There should be a minimum
of three people lifting the device but one person on each
carry handle (five people) is recommended.
Each operator to grasp a carry handle in palm of hand and
in a coordinated action, lift out and carry as required.
Using additional help:
Operators should maintain control
of the device and direct any helpers or assistants.
High angle and rope-access rescue can involve any
combination of ropes, winches, pulleys, litter bridles, belay
devices and many other specialised items and devices.
Proper and safe use of these tools requires professional
instruction and training. When using high-angle or rope-
access equipment with the SPED, ensure the equipment
has an adequate load-rating, and that it is at least as great
as that of the SPED.
5.5 Manually lifting a casualty
5.6 Vertical/ Horizontal Lifting
Rescue procedures using ropes, harnesses, bridles
and other Personal Protective Equipment require
special skills and are potentially hazardous
activities. No rescue personnel should attempt such
rescue procedures unless he or she has received
professional instruction and training.
5.7 Returning the Strapping System
after use
One of the most important protocols is once the
has been used it must be returned to
‘Ready to Deploy’
status. The vacuum valve releases to allow air back in
the strapping sytem must be returned to their pockets,
ensuring the device is able to be used correctley the next
time it is needed.
To stow the straps into their pockets place the SPED on a flat surface with
the outer surface upwards.
Manipulate the buckle to the end of the strap, Place Strap Introducer on
top of strap, Loop the excess with finger and poke strap under where it
exits. Push strap in the full length of the Introducer, Repeat with the excess
strap length underneath the previously stowed strap, push strap in until
Once you have got the straps back in their pockets, turn to over to the
GREEN side up, attach the BLUE and RED buckles, place intoducer into the
centre then fold the remaining bottom buckles into each other.
Then fold the top head area down on itself and using the head straps fold
the edges under and apply the straps to secure, then put it in the carry bag.
Once you have followed these proceedures your SPED is ready to deploy