© Ferno-Washington, Inc 234-3298-03 February 2013
59T EZ
Using the Chair
6.3 Transferring the Patient
Always assist the patient onto and off from the chair.
assisTinG ThE PaTiEnT OnTO ThE Chair
1. Unfold the chair and verify that it is locked.
2. Engage the wheel locks.
3. Verify that the footrest is in the storage position.
4. Assist the patient onto the chair using accepted
practices and following local protocols.
5. Fasten and adjust the torso and lap restraints.
6. Lower the footrest and place the patient’s feet on it.
7. Fasten and adjust the ankle restraint (Figure 17).
assisTinG ThE PaTiEnT OFF FrOM ThE Chair
1. Engage the wheel locks.
2. Unfasten the ankle restraint and raise the footrest to
the storage position.
3. Unfasten the torso and lap restraints.
4. Assist the patient off from the chair using accepted
practices and following local protocols.
6.4 rolling the Chair
GEnEral GUiDElinEs
Roll the chair on smooth, flat surfaces whenever
possible (Figure 18).
For patient comfort, pull the chair backward over low
obstacles such as door sills.
Close the track system and use the extending lift bar
and telescoping foot-end handles to lift and carry the
chair over curbs, high obstacles, and rough terrain.
Use the track system to glide the chair down over
curbs or single steps (Figure 19).
TO rOll ThE Chair
head-end Operator:
Release the wheel locks.
head-end Operator:
Adjust the lift bar to a
comfortable height and grasp it to push and guide the
chair on all four wheels (Figure 18), or tilt the chair
back and roll it on its rear wheels.
Foot-end Operator:
Assist the head-end operator as
needed and attend the patient.
Figure 17 - Patient Secured with Restraints
Figure 18 - Rolling the Chair
Figure 19 - Gliding Down a Step or Curb