4.2 Auto Sea rch
Scan all available channe ls that depends on the Nation Setting in
the Install Guide. After searching well, new searched TV and radio
programs will be added to the corresponding program list.
4.3 F irm wa re Update Via USB
Do not turn off the power during the update. This risks lasting damage to
Once you get the right file from your franchise r, please upgrade software as following steps:
1. Format your USB disk to FAT32 file syste m and copy
to USB disk;
2. Power off receiver and pull out antenna
3. Inse rt USB disk to receiver’s USB port
4. Power on STB, and then enter into
update via USB
5. Then the system will check the USB device and upgrade
software by itself. If successful, the me nu w ill display the progress
of updating .
6. After all done receiver will reboot automatically.
5. Program Manage
5.1 Program Edit
1. Press button red to select a favorite list.
2. Press the UP and DOWN keys to select a channel and press OK
to select this channel to the favorite list. A confirmation logo will be
displayed ne xt to the selected channel.
3. Press the EXIT key to qui t the me nu. You are now
being asked to save the change or to cancel .
In the same way you can lock, move or de lete channels.