Page : 3
The installation and the
future use of this unit
must be done by suit-
able qualified person-
nel. The unit has not AC
(mains) switch, it will
be in operation as soon
as power is connected.
The installation must
incorporate an external main switch.
The unit has a protection fuse incorporated on the AC socket, if it is
necessary to change or replace, use the time-lag fuse according to
IEC 127/2 and the values indicated below.
200 mA when the unit is operating at 230 Vac
400 mA when the unit is operating at 115 Vac.
Install also the necessary devices to protect the operator and the
process when using the unit to control a machine or process where
injury to personnel or damage to equipment or process, may occur as
a result of failure of the unit.
See paragraph 6, WIRING and paragraph 8, CONFIGURATION and
check that all jumpers AND switches are on the correct position.
The unit has been designed and tested under EN-61010-1 rules and
is delivered in good condition. This opera-
tor's manual contains useful information
electrical connections. Do not make wiring
signal changes or connections when
power is applied to the unit. Make signal
connections before power is applied and, if
reconnection is required, disconnect the
AC (mains) power before such wiring is
Install the unit in places with a good ventilation to avoid the excessive
heating. And far from electrical noise source or magnetic field
generators such as power relays, electrical motors, speed controls
The unit cannot be installed in open places. Do not use until the
installation is finished.
The power supply must be connected to the adequate terminals (see
the connection instructions). The characteristics of the power supply
are showed on the label on the rear part. Please make sure that the
unit is correctly connected to a power supply of the correct voltage
and frequency.
Do not use other power supply otherwise permanent damage may be
caused to the unit.
Do not connect the unit to power sources heavily loaded or to circuits
which power loads in cycle ON-OFF or to circuits which power
inductive loads.
Certain considerations must be given when install the signal input and
control wires. If the wires are longs can act like an antenna and
introduce the electrical noise to the unit, therefore :
Do not install the signal input wires in the same conduit with power
lines, heaters, solenoids, SCR controls etc....and always far from
these elements.
When shielded wires are used, connect the shield to the common
terminal and leave unconnected the other end of the shield and do not
connect to the machine ground.
Before starting any operation of adjustment, replacement,
maintenance or repair, the unit must be disconnected from any kind
of power supply.
Keep the unit clean , to assure good functioning and performance.
Use for it a clean and humid rag. Do not use for the frontal lens
abrasive products, solvents, alcohol, etc... because its transpar-
ence could be damaged
and this may cause dif-
ficulty for a correct vi-
sion of the reading.
To prevent electrical or
fire hazard, do not ex-
pose the unit to exces-
sive moisture.
Do not operate the unit
in the presence of flam-
mable gases or fumes, such as environment
constitutes a definite safety hazard. The unit is designed to be
mounted in a metal panel.
If the unit shows signs of damage, or is not able to show the expected
measures, or has been stored in a bad conditions or a protection
failure can occur, then do not attempt to operate and keep the unit
out of service.
1.- Disconnect the unit from the power supply.
2.- Give the alarm according to the local rules.
3.- Switch off all the air conditioning devices.
4.- Attack the fire with carbonic snow, do not use water in any case.
WARNING : In closed areas do not use systems with
vaporized liquids.
All wiring connections are made using push-in cable connectors.
There is a separate connector block for power supply and input
signals. Please make sure that each connector block is connected
on the adequate place.
The wire cross section recommended for signal inputs is 1 mm
for power supply 2.5 mm
Verify that the panel cut-out is correctly according to the dimensions
indicated on page 20 with a minimum depth of 150 mm. (5.9").
Install the fixation pieces in the lateral guides of the unit by its rear
part and then turn the screw firmly against the panel, until the unit
is totally hold on.
See paragraph 11 on page 20.