Compare the compaction curves
With every nip pass, a felt’s ability to
recover from the nip impact decreases.
Depending on felt design and press
load, the felt becomes increasingly compacted. Establish a typical compaction
curve for every felt position; this is your refe-rence. Compare the compaction
curve of any (trial) felt with this reference and you know precisely what is going on.
Wear of press felts
For press felts, the wear must be calculated on the basis of caliper and water
content. The caliper of a running felt contains 2 elements: water and felt
material (usually PA). Caliper and water content can be measured; the felt
weight is than calculated. Relate this calculated weight to the original felt weight
as stated by the supplier and wear becomes apparent.
Wear of forming fabrics
The Caliper Profiler measures the real fabric caliper, not influenced by a water
film or small contaminations on the fabric’s surface. Due to the electronic
memory you will always detect the minimum caliper (within 30 cm from the
edges). This measured caliper can than be related directly to the minimum
caliper as stated by the fabric supplier. A caliper profile is made within seconds
with the supplied Feltest software!
Feltest Equipment BV
- P. O. Box 205 - NL-6960 AE Eerbeek - The Netherlands
T: +31 313 652 215 - F: +31 313 654 068 - E: [email protected] - www.feltest.com
3 good reasons to measure the caliper of forming fabrics and
press felts on running paper machines:
1. Monitor the condition of the clothing by facts, not by feelings.
2. Determine wear and compaction for a more secure planning of stops.
3. It’s easy, quick and reliable!
Feltest Equipment BV, professional instruments for paper machine clothing
Caliper Profiler / Gauge