Replace Door Closed Switch
A plastic plug on the cabinet drawer fits into an opening
on the front of the cabinet. The plug makes contact with
the door closed switch. If the switch is working
properly, you will hear a clicking sound from the switch
when the door is opened and closed. If the switch is not
working properly, the door ajar troubleshooting light will
activate and the motor will not start until the door is
closed properly.
Two screws hold the switch to a supports on the cabinet
shelf. Three wires from the switch (blue, green, and
black) are hard-wired to PC board. The entire PC board
must be replaced if this switch is defective (see the
wiring diagrams).
To replace the drawer closed switch:
Remove the 2 screws that hold the door closed
switch to the inside of the PC board support base.
Attach the new switch to the supports on the
cabinet shelf.
Attach the new PC board to the support base.
Remove/Replace the PC Board
Phillips screwdriver
Door Closed Switch