The team behind FELL thank you for engaging in a new and
innovative way of being safe while boating. Our mission is to
enable all boaters to enjoy the seas, and for them to be as free as
possible.We call it Safe To Be Free.
We made this product with the expectation that our customers
wanted the free and energizing feeling while spending time on the
sea, whether it is high seas or low seas, rainy or sunny. We wanted
to enhance the boating experience by creating a product providing
absolute safety and no worries - just be free and enjoy.
Still after several decades with a corded solution as the only
alternative for the engine kill switch on motorboats, no one
seems to have developed a system that enables one to be free
and safe while driving a motor boat - as it should be.
Using state of the art wireless technology, we have developed the
effortless and easy to use WiMEA (Wireless Marine Electronics
Algorithm) by FELL of Norway.
Developed using the most advanced wireless technology
available, the WiMEA
Protocol is the most advanced wireless
safety system on the maritime market.
We hope you will enjoy your time spent boating just a little more
with your WiMEA Wireless Kill Switch onboard!
Your FELL-team