NTM-610 Manual Instructions 20221122
3-7 Notify at the Completion of the Roasting ................. 10
3-8 Restart the General Power located on the Panel ..... 11
3-9 Turn Off the Heating Tubes ....................................... 11
3-10 Air Exhaust ............................................................... 12
3-11 Completion of Air Exhaust ...................................... 13
3-12 Turn Off the Drum Rotation .................................... 14
3-13 Turn off the General Power .................................... 14
4. Operation on Unloading Roasted Ingredients .............. 15
4-1 Open the Glass Doors of the Roaster ........................ 15
4-2 Open the Drum .......................................................... 16
4-3 Rotate the Drum to Unload Ingredients ................... 17
4-4 Completion of Unloading Ingredients ....................... 17