Four times clicks on function button, gimbal will access
the autorotation mode setting. Manually turn the gimbal
to an initial position, then click again on function button
for recording it.Manually turn the gimbal to end position,
then click the functionbutton again for recording it.
Gimbal will turn to the initial position and begin
2. Turn the panning axis and
tilting axis to the position ①
and hold for half a second.
Click on function button,
record the position ①.
1.Four times clicks on
function button, gimbal
will access the autorotation
mode setting.
4.Gimbal will recover to position ① automatically.
Tilting axis and panning axis turn to position ②
at constant speed.The gimbal is automatically
reset after the end.
3 .Turn the panning axis and
tilting axis to the position ②
and hold for half a second .Lick
on the function button again,
record the position ②.
Autorotation Mode