Guilin Feiyu Technology Incorporated Company
Guilin Feiyu Technology Incorporated Company
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“Link ok ”didn’t show up when pressing the function button.
Please check whether tightly plug in USB cable with USB port, and the
USB cable is right cable from our standard accessories.
② Please check whether keep the gimbal off until step7.
③ Please check whether choose the right USB port: cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
and baud rate as 115200.
④ Please check whether press the function button after clicking on “OPEN
COM“ button.
If you did all the things right, please replace a new USB cable and try again.
When”LINK OK” and the version of current firmware showing up,
click on “UPDATE START”, but no luck, ”SEND FAIL” just show up to
remind me the update don’t work.