lowers, more fluid is pumped into the reservoir than the cylinders. With the lift in the lowest
position the reservoir should be half or ¾ full. The majority of your fluid is in the reservoir at
this time.
b) Should you have a spill, don
’t worry, Hydro Max II series lifts are filled with
biodegradable hydraulic fluid. Contact your authorized dealer for replacement
5) Lift rises a few feet, then stops, motor runs at a higher pitch:
a) Check fluid level in the reservoir. There may not be enough fluid in the reservoir to
complete the motion.
b) Check the quality of the fluid. See annual maintenance section for more instruction.
Annual Maintenance and Winterization Instructions:
Post Removal
1. When removing lift, place lift in the lowest position. DO NOT DRAG PADS ON LAKE BOTTOM.
Hidden debris can obstruct feet and bend legs. Soft sand and morrow bottoms will restrict
forward movement causing stress on frame. Float lift using inner tubes, float drums, or paddle
boats using the power of the double acting cylinders to lift feet off the lake bottom. USE
2. After the lift is on shore, inspect all hoses and cylinders for any signs of wear or damage.
3. Inspect all bolts and nuts. Tighten if necessary.
4. Inspect frame components for excessive wear. Disconnect battery and charge before storing.
Store pump indoors if possible.
5. Check fluid level in the reservoir. Since the lift is in the lowest position, the reservoir should be
½ to ¾ full. Your reservoir cap has a dipstick connected. DO NOT add water or oil to your
system. Only use authorized biodegradable hydraulic fluid.
6. Inspect the quality of the fluid. If the fluid appears milky or sludgy, this means that water or
foreign particles have entered your hydraulic system. There is a drain plug located on the
bottom side of the black reservoir. Empty your reservoir. Replace with one gallon of new
hydraulic fluid.
Pre Installation
1. Fully charge your battery. Use a charge controller to help monitor levels.
2. Check the level of fluid in your reservoir. If you see that you have lost fluid throughout the
season, look at all hoses and fittings for fluid residue. Tighten if necessary. DO NOT add water
or oil to your system. Only use authorized biodegradable hydraulic fluid.