7 Bluetooth Connection
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7 Bluetooth Connection
Bluetooth Connection
To pair the Bluetooth enabled devices to a Bluetooth enabled host.
1. Connect the device to the host using the USB port and use the Master Setup to set the data output
mode to Bluetooth.
Select the Bluetooth profile supported by the host or required by the application.
Serial Port Profile (SPP)
The scanner connects to the host via Bluetooth and emulates a serial connection. The scanner
accepts an incoming connection requested by a Bluetooth host.
Bluetooth Keyboard Emulation (HID)
The scanner connects to the host via Bluetooth and emulates a keyboard. The scanner accepts an
incoming connection, requested by a Bluetooth host.
2. Save the settings and disconnect the device from the computer.
On the host computer, launch the third party Bluetooth pairing application and place the application into
discover Bluetooth device mode.
3. Select the ECCO+ from the discovered device list. The Bluetooth application may prompt you to scan a
passkey it generated, or for you to create one and then scan the PIN code.
4. If the Bluetooth application prompts you to generate a PIN, enter the configured Bluetooth PIN
Once set, the PIN can be changed via Master Setup or in the Config.ini.
5. If the Bluetooth application prompts you to enter the pass key it generated, scan numeric barcodes on
page 10 and confirm by scanning ENTER.
6. The right LED (4) lights constantly blue as long as the device is connected.