ID ISC.ANT.U500/270
–GA/-GB UHF-Gate
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Typical Antenna Configuration (Gate with two Antennas)
The standard configuration of a gate with three-dimensional tag orientation consists of one
ID ISC.ANT.U500/270-GA antenna with reader and one ID ISC.ANT.U500/270-GB. If a tag moves,
at horizontal line through the gate, it can be detected with a high reliability.
5.1 Project Notes Antenna
The antenna configuration as described allows detection of a tag moving at a horizontal line,
through the reading area of the gate. The tag orientation is non-critical. The tags are detected
along a horizontal axis of motion in certain regions within the antennas.
The reading area of the antennas is shown in the sketch below. The distance between the
antennas is about 1.5m. An alarm is triggered at passing the gate, typ. at moving further behind the
gate center line.
Fig. 7: Capture area, gate distance about 1.5m
Notes: Note that the entire reading area of the antenna gate is larger than the three-
dimensional area shown in the drawing (
). This means tags can be detected outside
the reading area.
To get an optimal performance the reader has to be configured and run in one of the
Automatic Modes (Buffered Read or Notification Mode). See