FDT FD7903B User Manual Download Page 6



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T Technolog

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Summary of Contents for FD7903B

Page 1: ...FDT T Technolog FDT 7 ies http w 720P 4 www fdt us Use 4x PT er Man TZ cam nual mera F FD790 03W B V1 B 1 0 1...

Page 2: ...Live view 4 Settings 5 4 1 Edit 5 4 2 Alarm 5 4 3 Alarm ies http w d Specificat w s ations view nection and ion Guide on Guide Username a camera evice acces wser acces rchTool for W rchTool for ess by...

Page 3: ...Med 6 4 2 Netw 6 4 3 Alarm 6 4 4 Adva 6 4 5 Syst ies http w ed recording o settings o settings settings Card setting ce time sett mail settings P settings stem setting vice informa es page k page ter...

Page 4: ...FDT 7 F T Technolog Frequently A ies http w Asked Ques www fdt us stions 53...

Page 5: ...u become bout the cam Before inst carefully estions plea uards a era secure an camera has assword for ng and co well as numb perations her or responsi or installation ny problems may result in attery...

Page 6: ...cool d ances etc nsported sto a strong light longevity of n a well ven ntenance ensor or len he lens use cessories rec open the pa u purchased uct in the pa The protectiv amage durin is recomm pecific...

Page 7: ...rated wi nition resolu to bring cle network or o P2P functio ings just ne des users wit H 264 video ndwidth ed for surve ontrolling the erface acros es FDT Vie ations tal surveillan to any route onali...

Page 8: ...2 8 F1 w 30 Ma Su s 32 Rate 25f hot Su ream Su RJ ocol HT RT Wi De Sm Wi WE Su cess 3 u y DC 8W 10 hen you can e recording a wnloading of When record events when in functiona 3 960P CMO 80 H x960 to...

Page 9: ...FDT T Technolog Env Dim We ies http w vironment mensions eight www fdt us 250 1 5 0x225x145m 5kg mm...

Page 10: ...FDT 2 D T Technolog Device O ies http w Overvie www fdt us ew...

Page 11: ...e firs www fdt us nection with the FDT w and oper est for you ide ccessed thro PC Before a WiFi after it de d camera trip a stable sur nsure that th mera me and P the first time ogged in it i reasons...

Page 12: ...dthrou evice from a p Store or G ccess ccessed thro ozilla Firefo pports all adv Windows O mera s interf ndows Altern fore using th d to the Netw are on the s eb interface ari Chrome in ugh FDT Vie sm...

Page 13: ...et er the correc Tool for M e FDT Mac l it on your M www fdt us twork configu ct camera s Mac OS c SearchToo Mac compute urations ca username p ol zip for M er Then run mera name password to Mac OS in...

Page 14: ...e c owser such a he button R he camera i www fdt us AN From the ware version camera in th as Safari Refresh Cam in the searc e tool you c n of the cam he searching mera List an ching list the can get...

Page 15: ...us uration butto ce display n automatically sername an e camera dress and Tool click th the camera in by your d input the ca on in the rig name and ht y if you mod d password http port he next to sk...

Page 16: ...rect after it is res password th etters lowe n Windows plugin The p plugin and the comput mera is now s your camera For examp http port of y t credentials set you will hat is at leas ercase letters wh...

Page 17: ...chnolog e Due to th port the feat 4 Remote ies http w e limitations tures of play e access www fdt us s of NPAPI p yback talk m plugin the w motion dete web browser ction and pr r of Chrome rivacy mas...

Page 18: ...enab Dyndns org remotely page to mak ely through connecting ack and to sa the RTSP s ectly by RTS f you camer rowsers like S computer me password 123456 19 name passw 123456 19 ss the came d go to Med...

Page 19: ...Technolog You may nee rname pass Then you can ies http w ed to go thro sword in you n view the v www fdt us ough the rtsp r RTSP RUL video from th p authentica L he VLC playe tion if you d er by now...

Page 20: ...FDT Not or p T Technolog e you can a port mapping ies http w also view the g or forwardi www fdt us e video rem ing otely by the rtsp stream m if you have e the right DD DNS...

Page 21: ...d It is usua s Set up an you have alr od you can et the wifi co mera et up the FD t up a new c e phone or ta ease visit th om the Goog will use iOS slightly from and your cam t connect the find a Add...

Page 22: ...default dmin userna a private us e wifi in this e NO to star after you ad on to search sword of you ew of your ca ur camera no and connect smartphone era into the A do recomme d to input the y scannin...

Page 23: ...log Manually co ce you chose ructions to c ies http w onnect en to add th complete the www fdt us e camera by e adding of c y manual yo camera Her ou can follow re are the sc w the NEXT creenshots t T...

Page 24: ...dmin userna a private us e wifi in this e NO to star after you ad on to search sword of you ew of your ca ur camera no can find it on nput right us password is ame passwo sername and set up proc rt th...

Page 25: ...ive www fdt us g camera ave set up b smartphone e do recomm ot need to in utton to sear se select the and enter in e view and g before you c e or tablet T mend you to put the UID rch the FDT e camera...

Page 26: ...or dit the came smartphone mera even to enter the sword Alar eo Setting W System Se n next chapt delete the c amera from to your sma nter in your c ke Then you r camera heck what c r edit the log era...

Page 27: ...er add the ca figurations y e of the FDT ies http w w page amera succe you want Th T View www fdt us essfully you his section w u can preview will show you w the video u what the ic of your cam cons...

Page 28: ...n n go back to you can www fdt us r High Low irst main stre of the came nt in the setti eo and save from the vid By press an ort by connec s of your cam your camera the device n go to the s eam of the...

Page 29: ...r disable t gh ink setting e the linked a ons to your s snapshot o www fdt us word of the F on about mo he alarm se gs actions once smartphone r recording t DT camera otion detecti et the sensit e the...

Page 30: ...recording e scheduled settings e configuratio settings configuratio e rate and v www fdt us settings recording se ons for audio on about vid video quality ettings in thi o in this pag eo encoding y Th...

Page 31: ...e can set the ies http w ttings h the wifi in t d settings e space infor time setti e time of you www fdt us he LAN and s rmation abo ngs ur camera to d set it to you ut the SD C o sync it with ur cam...

Page 32: ...m settings restore the k the latest f www fdt us mation in thi k the connec lete the ema nt informatio s e camera in t firmware for is page to en ction of the e ail settings to on for the vid this pag...

Page 33: ...es http w e informat the informat iles page e the picture And you ca e you choos www fdt us tion tion about th e s and videos n delete the sing from rig he camera in s saved in y ese files if yo ght t...

Page 34: ...e playback it assigning an ies http w ck page e the record remotely by n exact recor www fdt us ing stored in y click the vid rding time n the SD Ca deo file from ard of the ca m the list An mera in t...

Page 35: ...ace for ra s user int perform inc It is the acco ord is admin orized users n the langua r camera for new passw ord in the fut r operat terface for w cluding the L ount of your n too Pleas login the ca...

Page 36: ...s http w e Time t control emark t down horizontal f vertical from e main strea m the sub str ra can supp www fdt us No 2 Go to 5 Go to 8 Go to from up to d m left to righ am default ream defau ort max...

Page 37: ...efox br E Firefox br anual throug b browser It www fdt us point named u saved bef meters for th ration Sharp m in Zoom o o rowser in w rowser in w h the web b t will pop up by number fore he video ima...

Page 38: ...o browser th s You need ur camera to D card like d IE browser cal network a le device pa 10 please ru n your comp eb browser windows C windows R ou enable the he content o to go throug browser yo del...

Page 39: ...Pause the pl ocal file in yo ose the playb ext frame in www fdt us indows and They have d for the live Only for back video can browser deos stored e and time ayback page ayback proc our compute back...

Page 40: ...e re quality level nable diable ou like www fdt us e audio volum page tions for all f s click the ra gurations for ency 50Hz nanda gurations ab esolution bi e the OSD fo me when yo features of t Refre...

Page 41: ...E a works at th a works at th will change b he outside li the default s www fdt us amera video priate expos ly as the ch ED light stat he night visio he day visio between the ght settings plea o statu...

Page 42: ...W Please ma heck your se www fdt us ons about a e the audio fo t dress inform e for IP and WIFI AP arou ake sure you ettings by cli udio in this s or first strea mation like D DNS are the nd your cam...

Page 43: ...Technolog e The FDT eless status ies http w camera use automatical www fdt us e the wired E ly if you disc Ethernet cab connect the ble by defau Ethernet ca ult it will wor able But the rk on the wir...

Page 44: ...ry the UID your camera m nable disabl m for the resp www fdt us e Ethernet ca party DDNS P for your cam k the Query ol configurat e these infor D of your ca a as you nee le the audio ponding of y able...

Page 45: ...e save ala d also the pi www fdt us for IE Firef s for the mot of the area setting windo your mouse able the ala arm picture o icture numb fox in windo tion detectio or change ow of square e rm action...

Page 46: ...dit the acco assword the et the save You can sele www fdt us dule for the m can select ce on detection unt informat e default acc path and tim ect to save th motion dete ertain one o features tion of...

Page 47: ...the authent he Test but www fdt us gurations for video selec dule ng or receiv s 25 Some S ransport lay with TLS or S tication type tton to check r timed reco ct the stream ving email fo SMTP serve er...

Page 48: ...e Return to Display Mod e Pan Tilt www fdt us server config tton to check ht folder pat gurations ab me for your v o center pres e decides t gurations for k whether yo th in your FT bout Pan Tilt ver...

Page 49: ...log Multiple Set e you can se ice group Th ies http w ting Only fo earch the FD hen you can www fdt us or IE in win DT cameras n view them ndows s in your LAN at the live p N and add th page togethe h...

Page 50: ...Only for et the area a e color of the rner change m et the time a www fdt us IE Firefox i and color fo e mask chan e the positio and date the n windows r the privacy nge the size on of the are e statu...

Page 51: ...you can www fdt us a e camera se ckup the cur for you to sa mport and re the file you w mware Pleas utton heck the mai P firmware v tton you ca open and br ettings to the rrent setting ave store the c...

Page 52: ...FDT 4 S Here T Technolog System Log e you can q ies http w uery the his www fdt us story operatio on or runnin ng log for your camera...

Page 53: ...ug plugin after www fdt us ked Que e live vie view in win or the Goog directly by ac e plugin fo mera in your atically to sh lug gin after you youlogin the estions ew in com dows OS by gle Chrome i cc...

Page 54: ...FDT 3 T Technolog Refresh the ies http w e IP address www fdt us s when it is ready to log gin and acce ess your cam mera...

Page 55: ...in fo era in your c plugin Plea d install it by e plugin from Cam_Plug ex ss in your we our compute ll the plu Panel Unin tall it directly ou closed th mpletely or Mozilla computer at se click the y m...

Page 56: ...n n d videos itation of IE e Please ru save your r ot conne FIG Netwo eck whether will show yo se special ch ort 2 4G wif n to the cam u have enabl e or pass mera Pleas et button the actory defaul s...

Page 57: ...NPA camera or y sh the IP ad the plugin in www fdt us ur wifi pass he input box ocked by API plugin by you can acti ddress of you n your Firefo sword is cor y Firefox y default it w ve the plugi ur c...

Page 58: ...FDT T Technologies http w www fdt us...

Page 59: ...ving ant between the nto an outlet experienced not expressly rity to opera with FCC rad avoid un inte na The dista e FCC rules cause harmf ding interfer and found t e FCC Rule interference diate radio...
