MAN-095-0001 Revision B
© Palmer Environmental Ltd 2005
Page 8
Preparing the Xmic for Use
The battery pack for the Xmic is supplied as a separate item in the carry case. The
batteries within this pack are supplied quarter charged. To insert the battery pack,
unscrew the three screws on the underside of the unit, remove the cover and
packing foam and connect the battery pack. Place in the battery compartment, refit
the packing foam and then replace the cover with the three screws.
Battery charging
To charge the batteries, connect the charge lead from the charger to the
headphones/battery charge connector on the back of the Xmic. Plug the charger unit
into the mains supply.
While the batteries are charging, the charging LED will be illuminated. This only goes
out when the batteries are fully charged. The Xmic unit cannot be used while the
batteries are charging. However, it can be turned on, a sensor can be plugged in and
a meter reading will be given, but there will be no sound as the headphones are not
connected during battery charging. The time required to charge the batteries from
flat is approximately 7 hours.
The On/Off switch can be pressed while the unit is on charge to see how much
charge is in the batteries at any time, however, the Xmic
be switched back off
again in order to resume charging. When fully charged the battery icon will appear
completely dark.
Battery replacement
Although the batteries are rechargeable, they may eventually need to be replaced.
Only batteries configured to the correct specification and type must be used, these
are available from Palmer Environmental.
To replace the batteries switch the unit off, unscrew the three screws on the
underside of the unit. Remove the packing foam then unplug the battery connector
and remove battery pack. Connect the new battery pack, refit the packing foam then
replace the cover using the three screws.