Getting around the ST-490 Plus is very simple. However, you must know certain
basic MIDI theory before it can make sense.
Sometimes a player may not be able to play in a certain key. At these times the
[TRANSPOSE] switch will be invaluable. For example, if you need to change from
the key of C major to the key of Eb major, you can still play the C major keys, but
what you hear would be Eb major.
To transpose the keyboard, hold the [TRANSPOSE] switch and press the desired key on the
keyboard above or below middle C. The result will be a new key change when the C major
keys are played. Your range is limited to 24 half steps up and 24 half steps down.
If there are any technical problems that relate to the ST-490 Plus only, please contact Music
Industries Corp. 800-431-6699. Best of luck!"