C P C 8 0 5 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 1 2 F a s t w e l v . 0 0 1 a E P r e
Power Supply Unit Type Selection
A standard 2-pin jumper switch (XP10 near XS4) for selection of an external power supply type is
installed on the top side of the module. Figure 4-1 below explains jumper positions.
Figure 4-1:
XP10 Power Supply Type Selector Positions
ATX power supply with control functions (TBA)
Open position of the jumper (default) corresponds to an unipolar
power supply
Make sure the XP10 jumper is in correct position before
connection of a power supply!
PC/104 PCI Voltage Selection
The PC/104 PCI voltage should be set before installation of expansion modules. All operations
should be performed when the power is off.
There is a standard 3-pin header for PC/104 PCI voltage selection. The explanation of its jumper
positions is presented below.
Figure 4-2:
PC/104 PCI VIO Selector XP13 Positions
2 3
All contacts open – the voltage is selected at the PC/104 PCI
power supply module. In case of using this type of power source,
all contacts must be open!
2 3
Contacts 1-2 closed, +5 V power is supplied to PCI interface
I/O buffers
2 3
Contacts 2-3 closed, +3.3 V