Fastus IOL2-UC Instruction Manual Download Page 2

Connecting UC2 to CDA units (connecting to CD22 

and TD1 units)

To connect the UC2 to CD22 series laser displacement sensors and to TD1 series through-

beam edge sensors, connect through CDA series displacement sensor amplifier units.

<Connection example>

Power is supplied from the 
CDA units to the sensors.













Power supply


Supply power to the UC2 from the IO-Link master unit. Supply power to the inter-connected 
CDA units from the same power supply device as the IO-Link master unit.

CD22 series/TD1 series

(Up to two units can be connected to one CDA series unit.)




Inter-connection connector

IO-Link master unit

18 to 24 VDC


The CDA series power supply must be connected to a power supply that is separate from that for the 

UC2 and is the same as that for the IO-Link master unit.

Power is supplied to the CD22 series and to the TD1 series from the CDA series. The UC2 can be 

inter-connected to CDA series main units and expansion units.

When inter-connecting the UC2 to the CDA series, be sure to inter-connect the inter-connection main 

unit on the left end. If an inter-connection expansion unit is connected on the left end, the inter-connec-

tion connector will be exposed, damaging the product.

Up to eight CDA series units can be interconnected.


The number of output information and receiving 

distance information varies depending on the setting. Refer to the index list for details.

Ensure that the length of the power cable to the unit and to the CDA series is 20 m or less.

The operating temperature of the CDA series expansion unit (CDA-S) and the load current of the control 

output are restricted by the connected main unit (CDA-M, CDA-DM2) as below.


Operating temperature

−25 to +50°C

Load current of control 


Up to 100mA per output channel Up to 100mA per output channel (Up 

to 2A including self-consumption)

Number of connected units

1 unit (Only CDA-M)

2 to 8 units


Operating temperature

−25 to +50°C

−20 to +45°C

Load current of control 


Up to 100mA per output channel

Up to 20mA per output channel

Number of connected units

1 unit (Only CDA-DM2)

2 to 8 units

Connecting UC2 to D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series

Use the inter-connection connectors to connect the UC2 to D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series 

fiber amplifiers.

Connecting power supply wires

When three or less fiber amplifiers are inter-connected to the UC2, the fiber amplifiers op-

erate with the power supplied from the inter-connection connector of the UC2. When four 

or more fiber amplifiers are inter-connected to the UC2, connect the inter-connection 

main unit on the left end to the same power supply as the IO-Link master unit.
<Connection example>









Inter-connection connector

When inter-connecting four or more fiber amplifiers, supply power not only to the UC2 but

also to the fiber amplifier main unit on the left end. Also, supply power to the fiber amplifier 

main unit and the IO-Link master unit from the same power supply device.

(max. 16 units)

4 units or more

Up to 3 units

Provide supply voltage 

to the main unit.

Supply power from the UC2.


IO-Link master unit

18 to 24 VDC

Power supply


Fiber amplifier inter-connection order

When inter-connecting the UC2 to D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series fiber amplifiers, connect 

D4RF, D3WF, and D3RF in this order from the side closer to the UC2.

<Connection example>

Inter-connection connector


D3RF series

D3WF series

D4RF series



When inter-connecting the unit to fiber amplifiers, be sure to connect an inter-connection main unit on 

the left end. If an inter-connection expansion unit is connected on the left end, the inter-connection 

connector will be exposed, damaging the product.


A total of up to 16 D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series fiber amplifiers can be inter-connected. The number of 

output information and receiving light level information varies depending on the setting. Refer to the 

index list for details.


Ensure that the length of the power cable to the unit and to the fiber amplifiers is 20 m or less.


When using a cable type fiber amplifier, perform insulation processing to prevent the power supply 

wires (brown/blue) from short-circuiting. Short-circuits may lead to device damage. Furthermore, in 

the case of connector type units, connect the included black cap to the M8 connector when the con-

nector cable is not connected to prevent the pins from short-circuiting.


The operating temperature and the load current of control output are restricted by the number of con-

nected units as below.

D3RF/D3WF series

Number of connected unit

1 to 3 unit(s)

4 to 8 units

9 to 16 units

Operating temperature

−25 to +55°C

−25 to +50°C

−25 to +45°C

Load current of control output

100 mA

50 mA

20 mA

D4RF series

Number of connected unit

1 unit

2 units

3 to 5 units

6 to 16 units

Operating temperature

−25 to +55°C

−25 to +55°C

−25 to +50°C

−25 to +45°C

Max. load cur-

rent per output

1 output setting

100 mA

20 mA

20 mA

20 mA

2 outputs setting

50 mA

10 mA

10 mA

10 mA

Connecting UC2 to a combination of CDA series and 

D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series units

When inter-connecting the UC2 to CDA displacement sensor amplifier units and D3RF/

D3WF/D4RF series fiber amplifiers, connect CDA, D4RF, D3WF, and D3RF in this order 

from the side closer to the UC2.
(It is possible to connect D4RF, CDA, D3WF, and D3RF in that order as well.)

<Connection example>

18 to 24 VDC

IO-Link master unit

Power supply










Supply power to the UC2 from the IO-Link master unit. Furthermore, supply power not only to the UC2 
but also to the fiber amplifier main unit on the left end.

Connect the fiber amplifier main unit and the IO-Link master unit to the same power supply device.

For the CDA, use an inter-connection expansion unit.


D3WF series

CDA series  (sensor: CD22/TD1 series)

D3RF series

Supply power to the main

unit on the left end.



Inter-connection connector

D4RF series



Supply power to the CDA series and D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series units from the same power supply as 

that for the IO-Link master unit.


When inter-connecting the UC2 to the CDA series, be sure to inter-connect the inter-connection main 

unit on the left end. If an inter-connection expansion unit is connected on the left end, the inter-connec-

tion connector will be exposed, damaging the product.


A total of up to 16 D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series and CDA series units can be inter-connected. (One CDA 

displacement sensor amplifier unit counts as two sensors.) 

The number of output information and distance/receiving light level information varies depending on 

the setting. Refer to the index list for details.(D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series is the receiving light level infor-

mation and CDA series is distance information.)


Ensure that the length of the power cable to the unit and to the CDA series is 20 m or less.


When using a cable type D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series unit, perform insulation processing to prevent the 

power supply wires (brown/blue) from short-circuiting. Short-circuits may lead to device damage. Fur-

thermore, in the case of connector type units, connect the included black cap to the M8 connector 

when the connector cable is not connected to prevent the pins from short-circuiting.

8.  System Configuration Example

(When inter-connecting four or more fiber amplifiers and no other types of units 
and when using a displacement sensor amplifier unit, connect power supply 
wires to the main unit on the left end.)

NF series

fiber unit

Displacement sensors: CD22 series and 

edge sensors: TD1 series

Amplifier connection cable 

(+ extension cable)


IO-Link gateway

Power supply device

IO-Link master unit

18 to 24 VDC

D3RF series/

D3WF series/

D4RF series 

fiber amplifier

M84CN series 

connector cable

CDA series 


sensor amplifier 


The UC2 can be inter-connected to up to a total of 16 sensors. (One CDA displace-

ment sensor amplifier unit counts as two sensors.) 

The number of output information and distance/receiving light level information varies depending on 

the setting. Refer to the index list for details.(D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series is the receiving light level infor-
mation and CDA series is distance information.

The power supply connections of the devices vary depending on the devices that are 

connected and on the number of devices that are connected. Check the information

under “

7. Connecting

” and connect the power supplies correctly.

9.  Specifications



IO-Link com-



Minimum cycle time

2.2 ms

Baud rate

COM3 (230.4 kbps)

ISDU support


IO-Link revision


Number of process input 

data bytes


Number of process output 

data bytes


IO-Link frame type

F-Sequence Type 2.V



Connectable models

D3RF/D3WF/D4RF series inter-connection main unit 

and expansion unit
CDA series main unit and expansion unit

Number of connectable units

Up to 16 (One CDA unit requires two spaces.)

Connection type

5-pin connector for inter-connection (functions as an 

inter-connection end unit)


Power indicator (green), SIO: lit at all times, IO-Link: 

Output indicator × 2 (orange)


Supply voltage

SIO:  12 to 24 VDC including 10% of ripple (P-P)

IO-Link: 18 to 24 VDC including 10% of ripple (P-P)

(SELV and LIM or Class 2)*


Current consumption

40 mA max.*


Control output

Push-Pull × 2 outputs, max. 100 mA/24 VDC (total for 

2 outputs)

Residual voltage: 1.8 V or less

External input

Teaching input, smart task input

Connection type

Connector type: M8, 4-pin

Circuit stabilization time

With 1 D3RF/D3WF unit inter-connected: 300 ms, with 

16 D3RF/D3WF units inter-connected: 350 ms

D4RF: 300ms

CDA + CD22: 2.5 s

CDA + TD1: 350 ms

Protection circuit

Reverse connection protection, overcurrent protection



Installation location

Indoor use

Operating temperature/


−25 to +55°C (no freezing)/35 to 85%RH (no con-


Storage temperature/humidity −40 to +70°C (no freezing)/35 to 95%RH (no con-


Vibration resistance

10 to 55 Hz; double amplitude 1.5 mm; 2 hours in each 

of the X, Y, and Z directions

Shock resistance

Approx. 50 G (500 m/s


); 3 times in each of the X, Y, 

and Z directions

Degree of protection

IP50 (According to IEC 60529, not UL certified)

Pollution degree

2 or less

Operating altitude

2000 m or less




EMC directive (2014/30/EU)


RoHS directive (2011/65/EU), China RoHS (MIIT Order 

No. 32)

Applicable standard

EN 60947-5-2

Company standards

Noise resistance: Feilen Level 3 cleared


Approx. 16 g


Housing and protective cover: PC

Included accessories

Instruction manual

*1.  Use a Class 2 power supply or a power supply that conforms to the SELV circuit (Safety Extra-Low 

Voltage) and the LIM circuit (Limited Energy Circuit).

*2.  Not including control output load current.

UL Satisfaction Ratings

* Depending on the number of fiber amplifiers and 

displacement sensor amplifier units connected to 

the UC2, the total load current of the control out put  

and the ambient temperature are limited as follows:

 When power is supplied to fiber sensor and/or displacement sensor 

amplifiers in parallel

 D3RF/D3WF series: up to 3 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.14 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 55 


 D3RF/D3WF/D4 series: up to 2 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.14 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 55



 D3RF/D3WF  series  and CDA-M/CDA-S

up to 8 units

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.14 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 50 


 D3RF/D3WF/D4 series: up to 5 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.14 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 50



 D3RF/D3WF series: up to 16 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.08 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24


VDC, Max. 0.04 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 45 


 D3RF/D3WF/D4 series and CDA series: up to 8 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.14 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 45 



D3RF/D3WF/D4 series: up to 16 units 
Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.08 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.04 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 40



When power is supplied only to a UC2-IOL unit

 D3RF/D3WF/D4 series: up to 2 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.284 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 55 


 D3RF/D3WF series: up to 3 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.296 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.04 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 55 


 D3RF/D3WF/D4 series: up to 3 units 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.276 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.04 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 50



 One D3RF/D3WF/D4 series and one CDA series 

Input: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.292 A Class 2 

Output: 12-24 VDC, Max. 0.1 A Class 2 

Maximum Ambient Temperature 50 


This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, 

and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause 

undesired operation.
*  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant 

to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against

harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment

generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance 

with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this 

equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be

required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Support for the China RoHS directive

For details on the support for the China RoHS directive (the Administrative Mea-

sure on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products), see 

the following websit


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