8.2 Ezi-IO CC-Link IE TSN DIO Input/Output
8.2.1 Output Signal
All of Ezi-IO CC-Link IE TSN DIO outlets are open collector types and there are NPN(N type) and PNP (P type)
products depending on the type of open collector method they support. The output circuit is based on 24V and the
maximum output current is 200mA for each channel (Option A products maximum 500mA/CH) Please check the
standards of peripheral devices before using.
• NPN type (N type) product wiring
If a peripheral device requires power, connect the output of Ezi-IO CC-Link IE TSN DIO to the VCC(+24V), GND,
signal of the peripheral device (3-wire wiring). If the peripheral device is a simple load like the solenoid valve, connect
+24V and signal to each end of the load but if there is a separate power to the peripheral device, only connect the
GND and signal (2-wire wiring).
Figure 8-4. Example of NPN output 3-wire wiring
Figure 8-5. Example of NPN output 2-wire wiring
• PNP type (P type) product wiring
If a peripheral device requires power, connect the output of Ezi-IO EtherCAT DIO to the VCC(+24V), GND and signal
of the peripheral device (3-wire wiring). If the peripheral device is a simple load like the solenoid valve, connect GND
and signal to each end of the load (2-wire wiring).
Figure 8-6. Example of PNP output 3-wire wiring
Figure 8-7. Example of PNP output 2-wire wiring