Part #???
Revised ??????
Toll Free: 1.877.334.8355
Part # FAST4-234
Revised 02/26/16
3400 Democrat Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118
Phone: 901.260.3278
assigned to your ECU.
Go into your C-Com Sportsman software, select
Communications / Setup
, click the “COM Port”
tab and select the appropriate COM port.
If you do not see “USB Serial Port (COM?)” when your ECU is plugged into one of your USB
ports, then the driver was not successfully installed. If this is the case, use the FAST USB drive
again and click on “Select Product”, “Sportsman XFI” and “Install USB Drivers”.
If you get a message that says “Incompatible Device”, you have a software/firmware mismatch. To
remedy this, make sure you have the most current version of C-Com Sportsman software
available. Check the FAST website at
. Go to TECH SUPPORT and then
FAST PRODUCT SOFTWARE. If your installed C-Com Sportsman software does not match the
version available on the website, download and install the latest version. Then go to the help file
and read the instructions for f lashing the ECU in section 11.9. Flash your ECU with the latest
listed firmware. You should then be able to communicate with it.
If you can communicate with the ECU, but sensor readings and changes to tables are slow to react,
then you need to optimize the USB settings. See section 20 in the help file for details.