High ef
ciency heat recovery unit with cooling circuit -
Selection, installation, use and maintenance manual
Field 1, 2, 3:
Field 4, 5: sizes
10 - 15 - 25 - 33
Description of the unit
The RHE series is the mono-block
solution to the needs of systems
normally used in bars, restaurants,
offices, meeting rooms. The RHE units,
which are divided into four sizes with
a rated airflow from 1000 to 3300
/h, have been designed to guarantee
a wellbeing conditions allowing a
suitable air change in order to reduce
the build-up of gas and undesired
particles present in the environment
to be treated (CO
cigarette smoke,
unpleasant odours, sweat, dust,.).
The peculiarity of these series is repre-
sented by the high efficiency got thanks
the use of the cross flows plate recupe-
rator combined with a cooling circuit
in heat pump operating with refrigerant
The RHE unit, in addition to the
ventilation, filtration and recovery of
heat, also includes, in a mono-bdamper
unit, a heat pump refrigerating circuit.
This allows to obtain a complete
machine which operates independently
in all seasons and which is capable of
combining the necessary renewal of air
with an efficient recovery of heat.
The accurate design of the machine
combines the extremely compact size,
which makes installation on suspended
ceilings easier, with easy accessibility
for the maintenance of all internal parts.
This gives the opportunity, also thanks
to the management and installation
simplicity, to satisfy many system
The RHE series is made to guarantee
indoor air supply and extraction. The
refrigerating circuit is calculated not
only for giving supply air characteristi-
cs near to that of the indoor air, with
the aim of avoiding disease conditions
near vents, but also for covering in part
ambient thermal loads.
Thermal and refrigerating capacities,
which carry air conditions from the
indoor air ones to those who cover in
part ambient thermal loads, are referred
to as
thermal available capacity and
refrigerating available capacity.
capacities are only an integration of
those guaranted by a conditioning unit.
The RHE series is not a conditioning
unit, and it cannot be set apart from a
conditioning unit if prefixed indoor air
conditions (temperature and humidity)
have to be guaranteed.
Available versions
The RHE units are available in 4
different sizes: Each model can be
configured in such a manner to satisfy
the system requirements by suitable
combining the available options.
The table in fig. 01 shows the procedure
of the commercial acronym in the
6fields from which it is made.
Cooling circuit
Condensate dischar-
ge 1” J UNI 338
Exhaust fan
Supply fan
Condensate dischar-
1” J UNI 338
By-pass for free-
Room air suction
Outside air suction
Electrical panel