Manual Aqua M300D
page 13
7.1.3 Volume Setting
You can adjust the volume of the headphones subject to the predefined hearing protection to suit your requirements
chapter 6.4.6.).
The volume you have selected will either be displayed numerically in the symbol for the volume of the headphones (1) and,
in addition, as a bar diagram.
Changing the Volume Before or After Measuring:
To change the volume of your headphones before or after measuring, navigate in the window to the symbol for selecting the
headphone volume (1), activate it and confirm your choice.
The window for selecting the headphone volume opens.
The volume that has been selected for your headphones is displayed on a scale from 0 to 100%. Turn the dial on the right
or touch the touch screen and pull your finger to the volume which you would like to select.
Press the Cancel key to leave the window without changing the volume setting.
Press the dial on the right to confirm the new setting or press the Cancel key.
You can also confirm the setting change by pressing the symbol for the headphone volume (1) on the touch screen.
A change in volume has no effect on the measuring curve, and the current measurement series remains in the memory and
is not cleared.
Changing the Volume during Measurement:
You can change the volume at any time during the measurement by either turning the dial on the left anti-clockwise to
turn down the volume or clockwise if you wish to turn up the volume.
7.2 Measurement Modes
7.2.1. Mode Description
Smart Mode
The Smart Mode displays a double-bar comprising a noise level indicator and the smart indicator for enhanced leak
detection. The smart indicator is based on a complex calculation and analysis system which includes factors like frequency,
noise levels, and evaluations. This algorithm has been tried and tested and is especially effective when background noise
levels are high and the sound emitted by the leak is very quiet.
Volume Mode
The leak-borne noise is displayed as noise level (amplitude). The spot showing the noise peak represents the spot of the
Searching for the pipe (see section – Searching for a Pipe,
chapter 10