Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 51 of 69
A keyboard is not needed when using the charts as part of the standard operation of the
software. However, a keyboard is needed for chart installation and license registration. If no
physical keyboard is available, the Windows on-screen keyboard can be used.
Defining Chart Display Decoration Depths
The chart display can be further customized based on various depth definitions set by the user. These
decorations include different coloring schemes between Shallow, Safety and Deep Contours as well as the
display of spot soundings beyond a Safety Depth.
All three kinds of contours mark a depth contour that is equal or deeper to the assigned depths. For example,
a safety contour is set as 15m. If there is no 15m contour on a chart currently viewed but there are 10m
and 20m contours, the 20m contour will be selected.
Shallow Contour
Set the depth of the contour that is used to display the relief of the sea bottom just below the water surface.
This depth must be shallower than the Safety Contour.
Safety Contour
Set the depth of the contour that should not be crossed to avoid grounding of the vessel. This contour
appears thicker than other contour lines. This depth must be between the Shallow and Deep Contours.
Deep Contour
Set the depth of the contour beyond which all depths are considered deep enough to not warrant a lot of
attention. This depth must be deeper than the Safety Contour.
Safety Depth
Spot sounding values shallower or equivalent to the Safety Depth are displayed in black color while spot
soundings deeper than the set value will be displayed in grey color when Presentation Detail is set to Default
or Full. When set to Minimal, spot sounded deeper than the set value will not be displayed.
More Chart Decoration Options
Two Shadows Only
When selected, only two shades are applicable: shallow waters and deep waters. The boundary is the
Safety Contour (see above). Shallow and Deep Contours are not applicable. A depth area shallower than
the Safety contour will be colored as the shallow water and a depth area deeper than the Safety contour
will be colored as the deep water.
Shallow Pattern Used
When selected, a dedicated pattern will be applied to all depth areas shallower than the Safety Contour.
When selected, clutter from chart labels and symbols will be reduced.