Den, 100 Fox Drive, Dandenong South. Victoria. 3175.
Phone: 0411 479 411
System Configuration Menu
Wind Sensor (Continued)
Door Position
Adjustments for the Automatic External Doors when a Wind event has been triggered.
Open Run Time
(Default = 15 Seconds)
Time period the Automatic External Doors will travel if a Wind event is Triggered during a
morning scheduled OPEN Event.
The ChickenMaster will do a Wind Speed Measurement 15 minutes
prior to an AUTO TIME
DOOR OPEN event and if the WIND SPEED Trigger point is reached then it will only open the
doors to the appropriate OPEN RUN TIME value which places them in a Wind Safe Position.
Close Run Time
(Default = 15 Seconds)
Time period that the Automatic External Doors will run if a Wind event is Triggered and the
doors are in an already scheduled OPEN state.
In other words the doors will close to the Wind Safe Position
Things to consider:
1: Most Linear Actuators have a travel time from fully Closed to fully Open of 50 seconds.
So if you set the OPEN RUN TIME to 25 Seconds, this means that the doors will motor to a 1/2 Open
2: If you manually adjust the Automatic External Doors via the MANUAL MODE menu and a Wind
Event is triggered then the doors will go to the respective Wind Safe Position hence overriding the
MANUAL MODE position.
Restore Defaults
* Restore Defaults
(Restores Factory Default Settings)
Allows the user to restore the ChickenMaster back to Factory Defaults.
The Default Setting is
changing this to
and pressing the
button will restore the
Factory defaults.
The Local Time is NOT adjusted.
All other previously programmed User settings will be erased and the Factory Defaults will be