Revision date: 12.23.15
Install Tank Fittings and Seals
Before you begin setting up your system, take each tank and install the 1-1/2" bulkhead
fitting in the bottom. Next, using the diagrams on the following page, install the seals in the
remaining holes.
1. Take one bulkhead fitting and remove
the locking nut.
4. With someone holding the fitting in
place inside the tank, twist the nut onto
the threads of the fitting. Threads are
reversed. Turn counter-clockwise.
2. Verify that the rubber gasket remains on
the threaded male body of the fitting.
5. After the nut contacts the tank surface,
lightly grip it with a large pair of
adjustable pliers and tighten. Nut should
be snug tight. Do not overtighten.
3. With assistance and the tank on its side,
slide the fitting into the bottom hole from
inside the tank. Rubber gasket is inside
the tank.
6. Inspect the assembly to ensure the nut
is fully seated against the tank. Repeat
these steps to install all remaining
bulkhead fitting.
Rubber Gasket
Rubber Gasket
112965 (1-1/2")
Bulkhead Fitting
Install a 112965 (1-1/2") bulkhead fitting in
bottom of each tank: