Agricultural Portable Sprayer (Power)
FB - P768
: +91.80. 22178200
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Open the air bleed nozzle, and bleed until the chemical is draining out, and then close the
nozzle securely .Before spraying the agrochemical, be sure to put on suitable protective
clothing to protect yourself against contact with and breathing it. Observe the following
cautions for safe operation:
Be sure to close the chemical tank cover securely.
Check the spray hose and nozzle connections to make sure there are no leakage.
Always stop the engine before refilling the fuel tank or changing the nozzle.
When carrying a full chemical tank, be careful not to lose your balance.
Starting the Engine (Applicable for all the models):
When starting the engine, be sure to fill the chemical tank with pure water or
chemical liquid. Never run the engine when the chemical tank is empty.
Pump the primer bulb until fuel can be seen flowing through the fuel return line,
and pull the choke lever to full close.(During hot weather and when the engine is
already warmed up, the choke lever may be set to either half open or full open ).
Set the throttle lever to the middle speed position (not necessarily to maximum).
FB-708/ 802
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