1. The hopper should be washed after use, especially after
use with corrosive material such as fertilizer, salt, or ice
melting compounds. When dry, oil thoroughly.
2. The gearbox is filled with lubricant and sealed at the
factory. If operated and stored properly, the gearbox will
provide a long, trouble-free service life. If disassembly of
the gearbox should ever be required, it is important that
the box be re-filled with a good quality grease and that
the box halves are resealed with a silicone adhesive.
3. Grease PTO universal joints after every 8 hours of
operation. Lubricate steel tube and shaft so they
telescope freely.
4. Always store seeder/spreader in a clean, dry place.
5. Before using, check to make sure all nuts and bolts are
6. Paint any bare metal or rusty spots for longer life.
A. Seed gate opening may be set too close for the
material being spread. To overcome, set the
opening larger and drive faster to obtain same
spread rate.
B. Check material for foreign matter.
C. Check agitator drive pin for shear.
A. Too much speed (over 560 PTO rpm) can cause
uneven spread.
B. PTO speed too slow (PTO rpm under 520 rpm)
will result in a narrow spread.
C. Bent fan blades.
D. Drive pin sheared or missing on fan hub.
E. Too windy for material being spread.
F. Agitator problems. Check tips under “Not
Feeding Even”.
G. Operator not spacing spread runs properly for
correct overlap.
For best results, cover area twice over at
one-half recommended material usage rate.
The second time over, run halfway between
first spreading widths or in a criss-cross
pattern. This method allows the most
complete and even coverage, as well as to
give operator a chance to adjust gate setting
to compensate for too thin or too heavy a
covering the first time over.
H. Seeder/spreader should run level or tilted slightly
forward. Make sure lift arms on tractor are
adjusted so one side is not lower than the other.
I. Running agitator when not spreading can result
in material being ground up and possibly packing
over control gate opening. You can “over-
agitate” material.
The CS-94 Series of seeder/spreaders have a two blade
knife type agitator as standard equipment. An optional long
wheel type agitator is available which will take care of air
pockets in the hopper, mix up the material, and deliver it to
the bottom knife type agitator. Order part number 420758 for
the optional long wheel agitator.
This optional agitator is recommended for use when
spreading powdery fertilizer, salt and sand. It may cause
seed damage if used on grass seed or grain.
Three spreading possibilities
A simple adjustment of the lower level allows directioning
of distribution towards the right side or towards the left
side of the tractor operator.
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