After the interval of update cycle arrives, if the server has available files and
versions, the phone will prompt as shown below. Click [view] to check the version
information and upgrade.
11.6 System >> Auto Provision
Page interface: log into the phone page and enter the [system] >> [automatic
deployment] page.
Picture 13 - Auto Provision settings
Fanvil devices support SIP PnP, DHCP options, Static provision, TR069. If all of the 4
methods are enabled, the priority from high to low as below:
PNP>DHCP>TR069> Static Provisioning
Transferring protocol: FTP, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS
Details refer to
Fanvil Auto Provision in
Picture 14 - Auto Provision
Basic settings
CPE Serial Number
Display the device SN
Authentication Name
The user name of provision server
Authentication Password
The password of provision server
Configuration File
If the device configuration file is encrypted , user should add the encryption