Step 1 -
Select method for mounting the housing.
The grille housing can be mount-
ed in either of two ways; The housing can be screwed directly to the ceiling joist
through the key holes provided or the hanger bars can be used to locate the hous-
ing anywhere between two ceiling joists at up to 16" on center.
Step 2 -
Select location for mounting ceiling grille .
If the ceiling drywall is already
installed, cut a 6" round hole for the grille only and install the housing from the attic.
(Figure 1) Place the steel cabinet along the ceiling joist using the locator tabs to
determine the correct position (Figure 2) or align it using the hanger bars. (Figure
3) Punch out the keyhole knockouts (if using) and the electrical knockout if needed.
Continue with steps 3 through 6 to continue installation of Premium Bath Fan mod-
els with lights. Otherwise skip to steps 4 and 5 to complete installation of models
without lights.
Step 3 -
Make electrical connections to the ceiling grille housing.
Remove the elec-
trical cover inside the steel cabinet using a screwdriver. Connect power by follow-
ing wiring diagram (Figure 4) and following local electrical codes or National
Electrical Code. Replace the electrical cover.
Step 4 -
Secure the housing to the ceiling joists.
Secure the housing to the ceiling
joists using either the keyholes on the steel cabinet or the hanger bars with the
wood screws provided. Ensure that once the drywall is installed, the bath fan hous-
ing will be at the correct depth, using the locator tabs (Figure 2) or hanging bars
(Figure 3). If drywall or ceiling material is thicker than 5/8" the locator tabs may
be bent even with housing to allow the grille collar to be flush with the finished ceil-
ing material.
Step 5 -
Connect the fan to the housing.
Install the 4" or 6" duct work from the fan
to the ceiling grille housing. Insulated flexible type duct work (recommended for all
Fantech bathroom exhaust applications) will result in much quieter operation.
Secure duct work in place and seal. If using Insulated flexible duct work, seal the
inner liner to the duct connector of the and then seal the outer shell over the top
of the inner liner. Do not leave the insulation material exposed.
Step 6 -
Installing the bulb.
Install the bulb by gently inserting it into the socket
inside the steel cabinet. Install the grille by pushing it firmly into the steel collar
until it is shouldered by the ceiling drywall (Figure 3).
Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each additional ceiling grille housing being installed.
Figure 2
Figure 1
Installation of Ceiling Grille Housing With or Without Light
Figure 3
Figure 4