Step 5
You will need
4 x Metal
Brackets (H2)
8 x Bolts (H1)
Phillips head
4 x Washers (H4)
4 x Transparent
washers (H3)
Step 6
Align the grooves on the Top Panel (P5) with the top of Back & Side Panels (P2&P4x2)
and then place securely.
Page 8
Secure Top and Base Panels (P5&P1) to Side Panels (P4x2) by attaching 4 x Metal
Brackets (H2) with 8 x Bolts (H1), 4 x Transparent Washers (H3) and 4 x Washers
(H4) at each end of the Side Panels (P4x2) by tightening with the Phillips Head
Screwdriver as shown.