Fantasea Nano Flash Using Download Page 2


Nano 12082007












Remove the plastic fitting from one end of the cable, so the other stays 

attached to a white plastic fitting. This can be done by using the Allen 

key you have received with your fiber optic cable kit, meant for 

loosening the screw that keeps the fiber optic cable's end attached to 
the fitting (image a). Store the removed plastic fitting in a safe place for 

possible future use. 




You end up with a fiber optic cable exposed on one end and attached to 

a white plastic fitting on the other (image b). 








Step 2 - Attaching the Fiber Optic Cable to the Nano Flash 




Insert the exposed end of the fiber optic cable (the end without the 

fitting) into the small hole of the adaptor unit until the fiber optic cable 

emerges slightly (3mm/0.2 inch) out the other side (image c). 




Use the tool you have received with your fiber optic cable kit in order to 

tighten the screw on the adaptor. Tighten it enough to stabilize the fiber 








