USB840F/M/X BLE 5, Thread, Zigbee Dongles
Ver 1.00 May 2019
BT840F/X Hardware Setup for Programming Bootloader
We recommend creating your own bootloader with private key. To load your boot loader, you need to remove
USB840F or USB840X PCBA from enclosure.
Procedures to open enclosure:
• Uses a Phillips head screw driver to unscrew.
• Uses a medium-large flat head screw driver on the notch to separate top and bottom enclosures.
• Press down USB connector to remove PCBA from enclosure.
• As shown in the following photo, SW1 is Reset and SW2 is Bootloader button.
USB840M enclosure is ultrasound sealed. It can not be open without destroying enclosure. Programming new
bootloader is possible only in factory.
We recommend using USB840F for development. Programming service is available from Fanstel.
Or, you can continue to use Fanstel bootloader and “published” private key. It is not secure.
You can load your application program by pressing the Bootloader button at one side of enclosure during
powering up.
Programming Bootloader
• Uses Nordic PCA10056 and a Tag Connect cable TC2050-IDC-NL-050-ALL to program bootloader.
• If you connect dongle to a PC USB port, Tag Connect cable can not make reliable contact with pads on dongle.
You need to use an USB extension cable to connect dongle to an USB power source.