1.2 Lock/unlock the screen (sleep mode)
To save battery, you should put your tablet in sleep mode by turning off the
LCD display. To do this, shortly press the power button. Press it again to
wake up the screen.
1.3 Connect to computer
You can connect your tablet to your computer with the supplied USB cable so
you can transfer various files.
II. Your Home Screen
2.1 Change wallpaper:
Tap the “Settings” icon on the all apps panel, you will see a pop-up options;
Enter into “Display” interface, you can choose wallpaper from Gallery, live
Wallpapers or Wallpapers.
2.2 Add/delete applications on home screen:
There are several apps in the home screen, you can also add more
frequently-used app icons in this home page and delete some less
frequently-used ones.