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Time relay,
The PCS-506 time relay is used for time control in industrial
and home automation systems (such as: ventilation, heating,
lighting, signaling, etc.).
A. Presence simulator.
When the START signal is being applied,
the system turns the relay on and off at random for a period of
20 sec up to 20 min. The sequence in question is initiated by
activation of the relay. After the START signal is discontinued, the
system turns the relay off. The device does not respond to time
range settings.
F&F Filipowski sp. j.
Konstantynowska 79/81, 95-200 Pabianice, POLAND
phone/fax (+48 42) 215 23 83 / (+48 42) 227 09 71
www.fif.com.pl; e-mail: [email protected]
Do not dispose of this device in the trash along with other waste!
According to the Law on Waste, electro coming from households free of charge and can
give any amount to up to that end point of collec� on, as well as to store the occasion of
the purchase of new equipment (in accordance with the principle of old-for-new, regard-
less of brand). Electro thrown in the trash or abandoned in nature, pose a threat to the
environment and human health.