Push rods:
Cut a slit in the elevons for the control horns. The control
horns are located so the push rod holes are 3/16”” behind
the hinge line. The elevon should be able to rotate up a
little past 90 deg before the control horn hits the wing.
Glue the control horns in place. I like using Hot Glue for
this as it is stiffer than Foam-Tac.
Cut 4 pieces of the 1/32” metal wire 1-1/2” long and 4
pieces of heat shrink tube 1” long. Cut the 1.5mm carbon
rod to length ¼” short of the hole to hole distance from
Control horn to servo arm with the servo arm in the
neutral, tilted back position. Bend a z-bend on one end of
each of the metal wires. Insert the metal wire and carbon
rod into the heat shrink as shown. Apply a drop of CA to
the end of the shrink tube and then shrink the tube. Use a
piece of cardboard covered with aluminum foil to keep
from melting the foam.
Cover the tip fins with laminating film. Glue them to the
tip or use Leadfeathers bungy method described on the
RcGroups thread.
A final CG check can be done. You can set it between 9-
1/4 and 9-3/4” from the nose depending on how you like
the feel. The further back the CG is the better it will flip.
Have fun and be sure to post pictures and comments on
the RcGroups thread.
Thank You,
Mike & Niki Bailey
Fancy Foam Models