/
4.
Opening
the
front
plate
(F):
5.
Changing
the
carriage
with
ink
rollers
Duo
(G):
6.
Insert
of
new
carriage
complete
with
ink
rollers
(G):
Put
the
index
finger
into
rectangular
bore
at
front
plate
(F),
support
with
thumb
on
housing
and
open
front
plate
with
index
finger.
Hold
the
knurled
area
of
carriage
(G)
between
thumb
and
index
finger,
spread
the
yellow
swivel
arm
(H)
until
you
can
pull
carriage
with
ink
rollers
out
of
the
front
(F).
Hold
front
plate
(F)
and
yellow
swivel
arm
with
one
hand.
Take
carriage
at
knurled
area
with
the
other
hand
and
make
it
horizontally
snap
in
(see
direction
of
arrow)