Be sure to read, understand, and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual.
Any misuse could result in serious injury or death.
3.0 Application
3.1 Purpose:
The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way Retrieval SRL-R is designed to be used as a component in a Personal Fall Arrest System
(PFAS), to provide a combination of worker mobility and fall protection as required for inspection work, general construction,
maintenance work, oil production, confined space work, etc. The SRL-R described in this manual has rescue capability in the event
of a fall. By switching the mode of the unit, the fallen victim can be then raised or lowered to safety.
3.2 Personal Fall Arrest System:
A PFAS is an assembly of components and subsystems used to arrest a person during a fall event. A PFAS
typically consists of an anchorage, a deceleration device such as an Energy Absorbing Lanyard (EAL), a Self-Retracting Device (SRD), or a
Fall Arrestor Connecting Subsystem (FACSS), and a properly fitted Full Body Harness (FBH). Maximum permissible free fall in a typical PFAS
is 6’.
3.3 Application Limits:
The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way Retrieval SRL-R are a dynamic anchorage subsystem that varies in its performance
depending upon the length of the system, and the type of PFAS system used. Care should be taken to understand the capacity of the
system, anchorage strength requirements, total allowable free fall, and the requirements how the user’s PFAS deploys during a fall event.
The longer the freefall, the greater the energy in the system and will result in more significant clearance requirements and impact forces
on the body. Take action to avoid sharp edges, abrasive surfaces, and thermal, electrical, and chemical hazards.
Note: The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way Retrieval SRL-R discussed in this manual is not intended for material handling applications.
3.4 Approved Applications:
Below are applications for which all FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way Retrieval SRL-R are specifically suited. This list
is not all-inclusive, but is intended to anticipate the most common applications in which this product may be used.
3.4.1 Personal Fall Arrest:
The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way Retrieval SRL-R used as the anchorage component of a PFAS to protect
the user in the event of a fall. PFAS typically consists of an anchorage, a Full Body Harness (FBH), and a deceleration device
such as a Energy Absorbing Lanyard (EAL) or Self Retracting Device (SRD).
3.4.2 Restraint:
The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way Retrieval SRL-R may be used as a component of a restraint system to prevent the
user from reaching a fall hazard. Restraint systems typically include a full body harness containing a body belt and a lanyard or
3.4.3 Rescue:
The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way can be used for rescue after a fall event. Ensure a written rescue plan, method,
and system is in place and readily available for rapid response. Rescues may require specialized equipment or measures. Rescue
operations are beyond the scope of this manual. See ANSI Z359.4-2013 and Z359.2-2017.
OSHA requires an SRD limit the free fall to 2 feet or less. If the maximum free fall distance must be exceeded, the employer must
document, based on test data, that the maximum arresting force will not be exceeded, and the personal fall arrest system will function
properly. The SRD discussed in this manual was successfully tested for horizontal use and falls over a steel edge without burrs, as found
on steel shapes and metal sheeting, and may be used in situations where a fall may occur over similar edges, such as found on steel
shapes or metal sheeting.
4.1 Capacity:
The FallTech® DuraTech 3-Way is designed for use by a single user with a combined weight of user, tools, clothing, etc., of
130 – 310 lbs.
4.2 Compatibility of Connectors:
Connectors are considered to be compatible with connecting elements when they have been designed
to work together in such a way that their sizes and shapes do not cause their gate mechanisms to open inadvertently regardless of how
they become oriented. Contact FallTech® if you have any questions about compatibility. Connectors must be compatible with the
anchorage or other system components. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally
disengage Connectors must be compatible in size, shape, and strength, see Figure 2. Self-closing, self-locking connectors are required by
4.3 Making Connections:
Only use self-locking connectors with this equipment. Only use connectors that are suitable to each application.
Ensure all connections are compatible in size, shape, and strength. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Visually ensure all
connectors are fully closed and locked. Connectors (snap hooks, rebar hooks, and carabiners) are designed for use only as specified in this
4.0 System Requirements
MCS03 Rev B