Operation directory:
Our compressor is equipped with a 1/8 inch port. If you need 1/4 inch or
other dimensions, you will need to use an adapter.
Air hoses usually have a rubber-coated inner surface to guarantee tight-
ness. If this is not the case, air can escape here and the auto start / stop
function may not work. Possible leaks at the screw connection can be avoi-
ded with Teflon tape.
Connect the air compressor, the air hose and the airbrush (or other pneu-
matic tool), plug in the power and turn on the unit, the compressor will
start working. The manometer shows the maximum pressure, the working
pressure can be adjusted with the pressure regulator.
Check the tightness. Let the device charge the maximum pressure, the stop
function stops automatically when maximum pressure is reached. Check
the manometer, keep the needle steady, all hoses are tight. If the needle
drops quickly, air is released at a joint. Please check all connections and
eliminate the error, otherwise the performance of the compressor can be
affected by the frequent use of the start / stop function.
TDifference of maximum pressure / working pressure: The maximum pres-
sure of a compressor is the highest pressure that the device can build up.
When a connected airbrush is opened, the air shoots through the nozzle
with that pressure. The working pressure is the constant pressure the com-
pressor can maintain during airbrushing. The working pressure is related to
the size of the nozzle used: the larger the diameter, the larger the air that
escapes, the lower the working pressure of the device.
At the bottom of the regulator is a water drain valve, moisture can escape
by opening the valve.
Please note!
Based on your work requirements, choose the right air compressor with
the appropriate flow and pressure.
Before commissioning, please check whether the mains voltage matches
the specifications on the device.
Please observe the usual safety precautions when handling electrical
Never expose the device to dust, acids, vapors, explosive or flammable
gases or the effects of the weather.
The device may only be used in well-ventilated rooms with a temperature
b5 ° C and + 40 ° C.
Do not use the device barefoot or with wet hands or feet.
Anleitung_Airbrush Compressor_AS18-2.indd 8
11.12.18 14:03