VVUÚ, a.s., Pikartská 1337/7, 71607 Ostrava - Radvanice, Czech Republic
Internet: www.fallsafe-online.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Listed organisation for CE type approval
89/686/EEC 11B, ISO9001:2000:
SGS United Kingdom Systems & Services Certification, 202B Worle Parkway Weston- Super- Mare RS22 6W A UK; Notified Body No.: CE0120
Fallsafe-Online Lda
Zona Industrial da Varziela -Rua B- Lote54
4480-620 Vila do Conde, Portugal
The users must read, understand and follow all the manufacturer’s instructions for this equipment.
The equipment shall only be used by a person trained and competent in its safe use.
Do not make any alterations or additions without the manufacturers prior written concent, any repair shall only
be carried out in accordance to manufacturers procedures, misuse or failure to follow manufacturers instructions
may result in serious injury or death.
This equipment must only be used by persons who are medically fit to do so. If you have any medical condition,
are recovering from any medical condition or suffer from any physical or mental disability, you must seek
professional medical advice before using this equipment.
A rescue plan shall be in place to deal with any emergencies that could arise during the work.
This equipment shall not be used outside its limitations, or for any purpose other than that for which it is
Danger may arise by the use of combinations of items of equipment in which the safe function of any one item
is affected by or interferes with the safe function of another.
It is essential for the safety of the user that if the product is re-sold outside the original country of destination
the reseller shall provide all manufacturers instructions in the language of the country in.
Reference No. (see equipment label)
Serial No. (see equipment label)
Manufacturing date (see equipment label)
Karabiner for
attachement point
4mm rope for
velocity ajustment
FS906 - 2 SAFE Rescue System
Fig. 1
Descender device
8mm static/dinamic
Karabiner to
connect to user
One time
use only!
Method 2*
Karabiner to
connect to a 2nd
user harness
Suspension trauma may