14) With the dish face starting at vertical slowly tilt the top of dish
back until the correct Elevation for your camping location reads on
the Elevation meter as demonstrated (Fig 1 )
You can get the correct elevation for your location from the
elevation chart at the back of this manual, by visiting www.
dishpointer.com or by using an app on your smartphone such as
Dishpointer or Sat Finder. Make sure you select the correct satellite,
eg. Astra 28.2E for UK TV.
(FIG 1)
Final Alignment
15) Tighten the elevation thumbwheel to secure
the dish at the correct elevation level
16) With the dish pointing in the same direction as the blue arrow on the
the Sat Mat as shown on the right, slightly tighten the large thumbwheel
on the tripod (so the dish can still be rotated).
17) Slowly move the dish from the position of the blue arrow until you
see the
LNB turn from flashing red to solid green.
Start by moving the dish towards the left in staggered movements, 1 cm
at a time pausing for 3 seconds before moving on if you see the red light change to green. If you have
moved more than 4 times to the left
and have not the light stop flashing red on the
LNB, then return the dish to line up with the
blue arrow and try again but this time move to the right.
18) Once you see the
LNB turn from flashing red to solid green, you can fully tighten the large
thumbwheel on the tripod.
19) Your TV should now be displaying BBC 1.
20) Switch off and remove the elevation meter and store safely.
21) Select the appropriate volume and resume to TV operation.
the dish is now perfectly aligned! Time for a cup of tea.
You are now ready to start the alignment of your dish